MAD Leadership Foundation offers psychometric assessments and career guidance to aid learners navigate their career decision-making process. During these uncertain times, we are still able to provide learners with career guidance through virtual meetings and online platforms. Starting in high school, we work closely with our Grade 9, 11 and 12 learners to develop self-awareness and gain valuable career insights in order for them to make an informed career decision. We assist grade 12 learners in the application process by providing them with all the information needed to successfully submit their applications. We cover the cost of the application fee to three universities to create options for the scholars.
Advantages Of Subject Choice & Career Guidance:
- Identify Abilities: Through career guidance, aptitude assessments are administrated which identify one’s abilities. This can help identify strengths and weaknesses and in turn a career choices.
- Gain Knowledge: Career guidance equips scholars with knowledge and resources so that they can make an informed career decision.
- Identify Interests: Through career guidance, interests are also explored which assists learners in avoiding professions they would not enjoy – this allows them to gain self-awareness and to reconfirm their interests.
- Gain Insight: Without guidance, many learners leave school with vague knowledge and resources of employment opportunities and they have little insight into the most appropriate career direction for their abilities, interests and personality.

Preparing for a career is more than just choosing the right job. It starts with knowing who one is and matching that to a career that best suits them. There are numerous factors that play a role in the process of making a successful career choice. One of the first considerations is a realistic and informed subject choice for grades 9 to 12.
Grade 9 Subject Choice Assessments include:
In Grade 9, there is a lot of stress around making the right subject choices. We assist with subject choice through a battery of online psychometric assessments, a feedback report and telephonic feedback sessions.
- A scholar first completes the biographical information workbook to explore who one is.
- A battery of psychometric assessments for subject choice guidance. These consist of an aptitude, personality and interests’ assessment conducted online using a platform called MindConnect and Microsoft Teams or similar platform.
- An assessment feedback report
- A 30 minute feedback call to discuss assessment results and recommendations
Grade 11 & 12 Career Guidance Assessments include:
We assist learners in career guidance through a battery of online psychometric assessments, a feedback report and telephonic feedback sessions.
- A scholar first completes the biographical information workbook to explore who one is.
- A battery of psychometric assessments for career guidance. These consist of an aptitude, personality and interests’ assessment conducted online using a platform called MindConnect and Microsoft Teams or similar platform.
- An assessment feedback report.
- A 30 minute feedback call to discuss assessment results and recommendations .

Helen Day
General (0)82 933 6137If you’re interested in learning more about Navigate or have any questions, please get in touch with Helen Day.